Letting go of anger - The first Reiki precept

Why are we angry?

Anger is a prehistoric mechanism designed to protect us from threats. However, we sometimes find ourselves in situations where our nervous system interprets something as a threat (to our body, our dignity, our emotions, our beliefs, our desires, etc.), even though logically we know it's not. Often our anger is connected to past traumas or threats but doesn't serve us in the present anymore. The good news is that throughout our lives, we have plenty of opportunities to heal from these traumas and fears, thereby increasing our sense of safety and being less and less inhabited by anger.

What anger does to our system

Anger is triggered by the amygdala. Hormones are released into our circulation, activating energy for a fight-or-flight scenario. When anger overwhelms us, our energy field (especially the 1st and 4th chakras) contracts to protect itself from the perceived threat. Tensions arise in the body, mind and spirit, hindering the effective flow of energy. Holding on to our anger - going through the day angry - means having a constantly contracted energy field. If we choose to consciously walk the path of healing, it is essential that we navigate our anger rather than be navigated by it.

Letting go of anger

You can't let go of anger unless you first accept it. In this context, the first Reiki precept, "Just for today, I will let go of my anger", is not about suppressing or denying anger, but about observing, feeling and accepting it when it arises. It is a choice to feel anger when it comes and then let it go without letting it control your mind, heart and actions. Our ability to consciously observe anger while not acting out of anger is possible thanks to the prefrontal cortex. Practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection and meditation enhance this ability each time, and the more you consciously set the intention to let go of anger, the easier it will become, to the point where these energetic contractions cease to occur.


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