What is Reiki?

mikao usui
reiki symbol

Usui Reiki Ryoho is a traditional Japanese practice introduced by Dr Mako Usui in 1922, used to reduce stress, promote relaxation and facilitate healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The term "Reiki" is derived from two Japanese words - "Rei", which means "higher power", and "Ki", which translates as "life force energy". Therefore, Reiki can be understood as "spiritually guided life force energy". Reiki is practised by placing one's hands gently on different parts of the client's body, or hovering a few inches above them while acting as a channel for the life force energy.

During a Reiki treatment, people may experience warm, radiant energy enveloping and moving through them. The practice is designed to address the whole person, including the body, emotions, mind and spirit, resulting in various positive effects such as relaxation, peace, security and an overall sense of well-being. Reiki is effective in alleviating a wide range of illnesses and health problems. The technique itself is easy to learn. The ability to practise Reiki is transferred to the student during a Reiki course through an ‘initiation’ by a Reiki Master and then taught how to use it. This attunement enables the student to access an infinite source of "life force energy" to improve their health and overall quality of life.

The practice of Reiki is open to all. It has been successfully taught to people of all ages and backgrounds. It is not associated with any particular religion, and there are no compulsory beliefs for its practice. Many practitioners testify that practising Reiki enhances and deepens their spiritual development and a healthy connection with themselves.

Although Reiki is not a religion, the teachings emphasise the importance of living in a way that promotes harmony in one's body and mind and in one's environment. To this end, Mikao Usui developed the 5 simple ethical principles of Reiki, which are effective in all cultures.

For Reiki to be of lasting benefit, clients are encouraged to take responsibility for their own healing and actively participate in the process. Therefore, Usui's system of natural healing involves more than just the application of Reiki energy; it also involves a dedicated endeavour for self-improvement.

Reiki Formations

  • reiki level-1


    During the Level I Attunement and Training, you will engage in self-healing and acquire all the knowledge and practical skills to practice the traditional Usui Healing System of Reiki on yourself and others. The prerequisite for this training is an openness and willingness to receive the attunement and the ability to channel Reiki energy.

  • reiki level-2


    You will practice and strengthen your channelling skills, learn new Reiki meditation modalities, be introduced to new symbols, practice emotional healing and how to use Reiki across space and time. Enrol on this course if you have received a Level I attunement from a certified Master and have been practising Reiki for at least 2 months.

  • reiki level-3


    This Master Attunement and Training is for those who wish to pass on the skills and knowledge of Usui Reiki to others and facilitate its spread. Here you will engage in powerful meditation and healing practices in and with nature, and gain the knowledge necessary to become a Reiki teacher and to give attunements to others.