Western vs Eastern

Approach to Healing

Which Reiki do we teach at Spiritin?

While we perform our attunements from the Western Reiki, the techniques, concepts and systems from both Styles are being taught and practised during our Retreats. We believe it is important to educate every person who wants to start their path with Reiki about Reikis origins as well as how it evolved, so everyone can make an informed decision about the philosophy, concept, and techniques that best resonate with their current path and needs.

Western Reiki

While Western Reiki was born from the Eastern style, it was adjusted by Takata Sensei in 1937 for the Western world. Western Reiki is aimed at healing oneself and others and promoting relaxation. The Western approach of practising Reiki involves the use of intention and is often accompanied by crystals, symbols, and even the assistance of sacred entities like angels or ascended masters. Based on the Western concept of Reiki, an attunement from a Reiki Master gives the attuned person the ability to channel Reiki. Western Reiki also incorporates the chakra system from India and standard hand placements for healing. This style of Reiki is much more common nowadays and is suitable for those who are interested in a structured approach and a focus on healing the spiritual aspects of life, including chakras, the past and future, through intentional energy work.

Eastern Reiki
(Jikiden Reiki)

Jikiden Reiki views Reiki as a life energy that flows naturally without the need for any intention. It was taught by Hayashi Sensei (Usui’s direct student) in Japan, and was not modified by Takata Sensei. Not too long ago the Yamaguchi family has started introducing the West to the original path of Reiki. It focuses on self-healing and improving the body-mind system. While it also has attunements (Reiju), they are only seen as an aid, but steady self-cultivation and frequent practice of the Gokai is what enhances the practitioner's effectiveness with Reiki, not the attunements. In Jikiden Reiki the Chakra system is not used and there are no standard hand placements. Instead, the practitioner identifies the places that need healing through the Byosen-scanning and intuitive techniques. Jikiden Reiki is ideal for those who prefer a more direct, intuitive and simple approach that emphasizes self-development and internal self-cultivation without relying too much on external entities, symbols, or rituals.