Reiki Treatments

How Reiki works

Reiki Treatments and pricing

Single Treatment: €50,- (Prices are negotiable: We aim to keep our Reiki treatments affordable for all).
Book a treatment for a first taste of Reiki. This promotes the self-healing powers of body and mind, relaxation, stress reduction and mental clarity.

5 Treatments: Custom price - reach out
Some blockages and health issues may be persistent and require multiple sessions for the client to feel a significant improvement. With a series of treatments, we aim for a thorough restoration of your self-healing capacities, so that the natural processes of your body can take over from there.

10+ Treatments: Custom price - reach out
We offer a series of 10 or more treatments for chronic health issues on physical, mental or emotional level or if you would like to enhance the recovery of a severe injury or heavy symptoms.

Book a treatment:

* After filling the form, we will reach out to you via email to confirm the appointment and next steps.

Who is this for?

Physical symptoms, e.g:

  • Injuries of any kind

  • Headache/Migraine

  • Sickness or disease

  • Fatigue

  • Allergies or respiratory problems

  • Digestive issues

  • Insomnia

  • Muscle tension

  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis)

Reiki is an effective treatment to enhance the restorative processes of body and mind. It also promotes detoxification and helps to release stress and tensions. If you have any of the following symptoms, reach out for a first Reiki treatment and consultation:

Mental symptoms, e.g:

  • Lack of focus

  • Indecisiveness or confusion

  • Restlessness or impatience

  • Memory Issues

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Overthinking

  • Lack of motivation or procrastination

  • Impulsivity

  • Irritability

Emotional symptoms, e.g:

  • Fears

  • Anger

  • Worries

  • Sadness

  • Guilt

  • Grief

  • Contempt

  • Depression

  • Self-doubt

  • Emotional numbness

Unwanted Patterns, e.g:

  • Substance addictions
    (cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, etc.)

  • Dopamine addictions
    (Social media, games/gambling, movies, etc.)

  • Feeling lost or lack of purpose

  • Feeling ‘unlucky’

  • Attracting undesired people or situations

  • Lack of intuition

  • Difficulty manifesting desires

  • Feeling unfulfilled

Reiki as a Distant Treatment

Reiki treatments can be performed via distance. During a Distant Reiki session, the practitioner focuses on the recipient's bio-energy field. We require the name and picture of the recipient and typically have a phone conversation before and after the distance-treatment.

Distant Reiki can be directed to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.