Join SpiritIn with your work

Imagine what it would be like to do your work as a workshop or retreat leader on a paradise island like Madeira. We at SpiritIn want to connect with people whose work is to promote self-development, self-realization and spiritual growth of the individual and society as a whole. If this sounds like you, get in touch with us for a potential cooperation. If your work fits our concept, we would love to work with you as a partner and publish your offer or service on our website. The benefits:

  1. Take part in our retreats as a co-leader. In this collaboration, we will integrate your content into our retreat program and this way bring it to new clients.

  2. You will be listed on SpiritIn as our partner and have a central platform for visitors and potential clients to sign up for your services and offers.

  3. SpiritIn is a small team that takes care of the organization of the Retreats in Madeira and other locations, saving you administrative work.

  4. Your work will be published on our website and social media so that they can reach a wider audience through our networks.

Feature your work at SpiritIn

SpiritIn Retreat and Workshops at Estalagem

If you would like to join forces with us, take the leap and reach out!

Write Us