Andrej Raider

Andrej Raider

SpiritIn Founder; Reiki Instructor

As a Reiki teacher and practitioner certified in the Usui tradition, I am immersed in the practices of energy works, including Shamanism, Tai Chi, and various forms of meditation. My journey started with a childhood fascination with the subtle forces beyond the tangible world. My formal training began at the age of 19 with the attunement into Reiki Level I. The following year I progressed to Level II and additionally delved into the depths of shamanic practices. I realized how working with energy not only catalyzes healing but can also be used as a tool to design our path in life. Ultimately, I received my Master attunement and have since applied Reiki to more than 400 clients over the past years, further fostering my appreciation of this practice.

I am dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Usui-Reiki with others, to empower them to harness this powerful tool of healing. Join me at our retreats, workshops, or in a personal one-on-one session.


Petra Staudinger

SpiritIn Co-Founder; Herbalist;
Rio Abierto Instructor

„Is this wild thyme!“ A shiver of happiness runs through my body, pours into my heart, and opens my mind. Capturing its characteristics, all of my senses are activated and involved, even listening. Step by step my love for walking and long-distance hikes spurred a new spirit and I began to feel a deep longing for understanding, which made me pause, look, and get closer. Once I crossed the threshold, an immeasurable world opened up for me, incredibly rich, diverse, and fulfilling. Since that first, shivering moment, I have been driven by a childlike curiosity and a joyful spirit of discovering and exploring, identifying and uncovering the potential of medicinal and edible plants. This is the journey, I would like to invite you on. It will be one of knowing and wisely using as well as one of re-connecting, re-thinking and re-creating relationships.

Amidst in the process of designing herbal hikes, workshops and retreats, I myself am curious what will be its outcome, considering the unique blend of sources drawn from my background as a herbalist, cultural anthropologist, holistic art therapist and Rio Abierto instructor. Embodied Herbalism is my brand. I am curious to learn, what is yours. Stay connected and bring your spirit in.


Laila Atmane

Laila Atmane

Somatic Work; Coaching

I offer well-being coaching tailored for adventurous individuals and sensitive souls who seek to manage stress effectively, enhance mental and physical agility, and pursue what truly matters to them.

My exploration and writing revolve around the body's wisdom, natural movement, and self-discovery. Driven by a genuine curiosity about life and the desire to live in flow, my work is influenced by over two decades of personal exploration. I draw inspiration from practices such as natural movement, barefoot walking, martial arts, somatic bodywork, and journaling.

In the near future, I'll offer guided Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) workshops for individuals and groups, supporting resilience, stress release, and cultivating a connection with your body's wisdom. Whether through one-on-one programs, workshops, or in your own journey, I invite you to join me in embracing curiosity and self-discovery.


Paweł Obolewicz

Acupresboard Trainer; Mind Coach

My clients call me a mind coach. I am passionate about the mind and its potential for programming reactions and behaviours. I teach how to better manage emotions in stressful situations, supporting the process of releasing them from the body. For the past 8 years, I have been delving into the knowledge of mental and physical health. During this time, I engaged in practices that enhanced my mind and body. After a 6-year journey with cold exposure, I shifted my focus to acupressure and reflexology. For over 2 years, I have been co-creating a project and production of yogic tools called Acupres Boards, which has completely transformed my perception of working with the body and mind.

Imagine a tool that, like a scanner, tells you what to pay attention to in both the body and mind. A change in beliefs, releasing emotions, and improving health - all in one. For over 2 years, I have been conducting sessions specifically with Acupres Boards. During this time, I have conducted training for over 2000 individuals, organizing sessions for companies, individual clients, and groups in various corners of Poland. Since January 2024, I have also been operating on the island of Madeira, where I warmly invite you to share experiences. I will help you enhance your mind's efficiency, increasing resilience to stress. Join me for a retreat where you will learn to transform and program your mind and body - gaining knowledge on improving your mental and physical health.

Join the team

SpiritIn has its doors open for everyone who is devoted to the mission of facilitating self-development, self-realization, and spiritual growth of individuals and society as a whole. If this resonates with you and your work, you are warmly invited to reach out and collaborate with us.

petra staudinger
laila atmane
andrej raider