Gokai: The 5 Principles of Reiki and how they influence your energy flow

How The 5 Principles Affect Health

Reiki, the ancient Japanese healing technique, holds profound wisdom in its simplicity. One of the most vital teachings for Reiki practitioners is the Gokai, or the Five Principles of Reiki. These principles are crucial for anyone looking to enhance their energy flow and act as a channel for Reiki healing, but likewise for those who simply want to stay healthy and happy. Here, we'll uncover the essence of these principles, understand how they can uplift your energy, and explore why self-healing is a non-negotiable priority.

The Natural Flow of Energy

Contrary to popular belief, enhancing your energy flow doesn't rely on complex rituals like chakra balancing or prayer (although those rituals can help to contribute to it). Energy is inherently present and flowing whenever we are aligned with our natural state. The key is to eliminate actions and habits that hinder this natural energy flow.

Daily actions and emotions like anger, worry, dishonesty, complaining, procrastination, and rudeness deplete our energy often without us realizing. When these negative behaviours are repeated frequently, our body and mind expend significant amounts of energy to cope with this negativity, leaving less energy available for our autoimmune system, our well-being and especially for the capacity to assisting others through Reiki.

Energy Conservation for Optimal Health

Think of water flowing through a garden hose. The water represents your energy flow, and the hose is your ability to channel that energy toward manifesting a healthy and happy life. However, if there are small holes along the hose, the water leaks out. These holes are your bad habits, negative thoughts, or draining activities - each one allows some of your energy to escape before it can reach its intended destination.

Just as a hose with too many holes will lose pressure, your energy diminishes if there are too many leaks. The more holes (habits like poor sleep, stress, anger, worries, complaining, toxic substances, etc.), the less energy remains for the natural self-healing processes of your body and mind and for manifesting all the other things you truly want.

To keep your energy flowing strongly, it’s crucial to repair the holes by improving your habits and managing your energy wisely.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Is Difficult But Essential

Changing habits is challenging and requires us to step out of our comfort zone. In the last few decades, Western society got accustomed to a lifestyle where things having to be fast, comfortable and convenient. Leaving the comfort zone has never been so difficult for us. Following this trend, we try to convince ourselves that there are faster, easier and more comfortable ways to overcome our challenges, by carrying crystals, using mythical symbols, or repeating certain mantras, since all of them are easier than letting go of our bad habits. We are not suggesting that these rituals are bad, but they are merely assistants. They won’t do the job for us if we are not ready to change ourselves.

Crucial for Reiki Practitioners:
The Law of Energy Allocation and How It Is Related To The Gokai

The natural flow of life energy adheres to a straightforward principle: energy goes where it's most needed. When we're overwhelmed with negativity or stress, life-energy prioritizes our own healing first. This is because we cannot help others if we are struggling ourselves. Ensuring our own health and harmony must come first, which is why self-healing is fundamental and non-negotiable for Reiki practitioners. To preserve and enhance our energy, the Five Principles of Reiki offer a simple yet effective guide. Known as the Gokai, they help shield us from the daily negativity that can sap our vitality. By living these principles, you allow your energy to overflow, benefiting not only yourself but those around you.

The Five Principles of Reiki

  1. Just for Today, I Will Not Be Angry
    (Or: ‘I Am Calm’)

  2. Just for Today, I Will Not Worry
    (Or: ‘I Trust’)

  3. Just for Today, I Will Be Grateful
    (Or: ‘I Will Not Complain’)

  4. Just for Today, I Will Do My Work Honestly
    (Or: ‘I Will Not Procrastinate. I Will Do What Needs To Be Done’)

  5. Just for Today, I Will Be Kind to Others
    (Or: ‘I Will Not Be Rude. I Will Help Others Whenever I Can’)

Integrating these five principles into your daily life will significantly enhance your energy flow and overall well-being. Start today; commit to living by these principles just for today to the best of your abilities. The benefits will accumulate, leading to a more balanced, harmonious life where you have abundant energy not only for yourself but also to support those around you.


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